Service, Sacrifice, Salvation
Service, Sacrifice, Salvation is a project I created to help bring awareness to issues that directly and indirectly affect United States Veterans. For this project I created an audio visual DJ set that speaks from the point of view of the veterans’. My overall goal is to create a fund generating campaign, that when reached will be used to shoot a movie that directly correlates with the DJ set’s music. Once completed I hope to then sell the movie to help raise money for Veteran’s charities.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mp4), paper (.pdf), presentation (.pptx), audio files (ZIP file containing 13 .wav files), video files (ZIP file containing 10 .mp4 videos).
Recommended Citation
Schroeder, Randy. “Service, Sacrifice, Salvation.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2014. .