Cosmic Clown: Forging a solo-tech show in a mobile sound system
My Culminating Experience consists of the creation, producing and performance of material for an EP. I expect the final EP to contain at least 3 tracks that I feel satisfied with, and confident releasing. To reach this, I intend to compose at least 10 songs that I can select from, having in mind that the EP tracks are stepping stones toward building a repertoire for a full album that can be performed on stage. My aim is dual, as I first of all, wish to challenge and develop my own musical identity, and at the same time improve my musical productions skills and ability to write music for the use of other artist. Behind this dual aim is a wish to manifest what my own musical vision is, and how these express itself in every song a write and produce.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one paper, one EP (ZIP file containing three WAV files), promotional booklet, musical motifs (one ZIP file containing one PDF document and one JPEG image file).
Recommended Citation
Bendix, Elias. “Cosmic Clown: Forging a solo-tech show in a mobile sound system.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2016. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/44.

Project Components: one project video, one paper, one EP (ZIP file containing three WAV files), promotional booklet, musical motifs (one ZIP file containing one PDF document and one JPEG image file).