Music Producer, Live Artist & Innovator

Music Producer, Live Artist & Innovator


Mayur Jumani


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Download Glove Documentation (ZIP file) (37 KB)

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As an electronic music lover, my main complaint with electronic dance music events has been the lack of a ‘live’ element to it. Throughout my life, I have been involved in different fields including Music Production, live performance, Technology & Design. As technology progressed, my fascination towards midi controllers increased and I was overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities of live electronic performances. So I knew my cumulative experience here at Berklee had to be more than just original music. In brief, my project was to identify my artistic brand by developing a custom live show with excessive use of Innovative technology (including a custom designed controller), original music and multimedia elements for a unique audio/visual experience.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one project video, one paper, songs (one ZIP file containing four .wav files), glove documentation (one ZIP file containing four .ino files, three .maxpat files), project files (one ZIP file).


Project Components: one project video, one paper, songs (one ZIP file containing four .wav files), glove documentation (one ZIP file containing four .ino files, three .maxpat files), project files (one ZIP file).

Music Producer, Live Artist & Innovator
