My project is based on the same ideology of MIDI, but through a microphone, which I intend to call a MIDI-MIC. This microphone will allow us to seize the moment of inspiration. Without a means of capturing that particular idea at that particular moment, the inspiration is often forgotten within minutes. This project, for example, will allow us to log into Protools, add a MIDI track and by pushing a button on the MIDI-MIC, we have the ability to select the key that we want the song to play in. The MIDI-MIC will automatically transpose the notes we sing or hum into the selected key and tempo of the song. We can then assign any musical instrument into the track, which will then create "our master piece". Through this automated process, we can take advantage of that moment of inspiration that is often times lost from not being able to seize the moment before the inspiration leaves our head. The MIDI-MIC will also have the ability to be used for live sound concerts (performance), professional productions, recording studios, etc. Quite simply, just by giving a tune with our voice and choosing an assigned instrument, you can create complex compositions quickly without scores and without forgetting the idea.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one presentation, one report, music videos (one ZIP file containing two .mov files), audio tracks (one ZIP file containing 8 WAV audio files), logo design (one ZIP file containing one GIF image and one PDF document), one application (ZIP file).
Recommended Citation
Oviedo, Rafael. “MIDI-MIC.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2016. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/59.

Project Components: one project video, one presentation, one report, music videos (one ZIP file containing two .mov files), audio tracks (one ZIP file containing 8 WAV audio files), logo design (one ZIP file containing one GIF image and one PDF document), one application (ZIP file).