Drum Track Hacks

Drum Track Hacks


Joe Miller VI


Download Presentation (350.1 MB)

Download Table of Contents (10.8 MB)

Download Improvised Grooves (ZIP file) (338.0 MB)

Download Groove Transcriptions (ZIP file) (479 KB)

Download Groove Videos (with Transcripts) (ZIP file) (1877.1 MB)

Download Groove Template (ZIP file) (174.0 MB)

Download Drum Bounces (ZIP file) (928.5 MB)


My CE is an open source collection of drum tracks for the upcoming musicians and / or producer.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one presentation, one table of contents, improvised grooves (one ZIP file containing 11 .mp4 files), groove transcriptions (one ZIP file containing 40 PDF documents), groove videos with transcipts (one ZIP file containing 56 .mp4 video files), groove template (one ZIP file containing one .cfg file, one .wav file, and one .asd file), drum bounces (one ZIP file containing eight .wav files, seven .mp3 files, and one .asd file),


Project Components: one presentation, one table of contents, improvised grooves (one ZIP file containing 11 .mp4 files), groove transcriptions (one ZIP file containing 40 PDF documents), groove videos with transcipts (one ZIP file containing 56 .mp4 video files), groove template (one ZIP file containing one .cfg file, one .wav file, and one .asd file), drum bounces (one ZIP file containing eight .wav files, seven .mp3 files, and one .asd file),

Drum Track Hacks
