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There is little to none-Spanish speaking content about Audio Engineering and Music production on the internet, even though Spanish is the one of the most widely spoken languages in the world with 414,000,000 native speakers. English speaking population in Latin America goes between 4% - 12% depending on the country, because of this English Audio Engineering and Music Production content hardly achieves popularity on such countries. Globalization is becoming a reality, people all over the world are uniting in one common thinking entity but there is still a lot to develop in terms of non-English electronic knowledge sharing. Estudio Central is going to be the first platform of audio engineering video content sharing for Spanish speakers in the world. Through educational and informative videos, I pretend to share the basis of audio engineering and music production to all those who wish to acquire the necessary skills to record, edit, mix and master their own productions or 3rd party projects. My main exposure platform will be the free video- sharing website YouTube. Since the creation of the Internet, multimedia-sharing experiences have become the main medium for knowledge exchange in the world, I want to embrace this tendency and deliver all my content through audiovisual productions. The reason I chose YouTube is mainly because it is the biggest video-sharing platform in the world having over 1 billion users, and all their content is free of charge. I believe knowledge should be free of charge and available to everyone that wishes to learn a specific trait or subject.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one project video, one report, one presentation, three tutorial videos (one ZIP file containing three .mp4 video files).


Project Components: one project video, one report, one presentation, three tutorial videos (one ZIP file containing three .mp4 video files).

