Stranger Devices: A Sound Toolkit for the Modern Popular Musician

Stranger Devices: A Sound Toolkit for the Modern Popular Musician"


Download Project Video (.mp4) (85.1 MB)

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Download Demonstrations (.zip) (151.0 MB)

Download Layouts (.zip) (3 KB)

Download Plugins (.zip) (965 KB)


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Stranger Devices: Performer Suite, its manual and demo videos and original music were developed throughout the 2016-2017 academic year from its proposal to the execution of the different project stages. The project comprises four Max for Live1 devices oriented to improve the workflow of live performances that include one or more computers with Ableton Live2 as a source of digital generated sound as well as outboard gear (analogue or digital) and traditional instruments together.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one project video (.mp4), one report (.pdf), one presentation (.pdf), one manual (.pdf), demonstrations (one ZIP file containing four .mp4 files), layouts (one ZIP file containing two .touchosc files), plugins (one ZIP file containing four .amxd files).

Stranger Devices: A Sound Toolkit for the Modern Popular Musician
