Trip Seat: The Fox and the Mask

Trip Seat: The Fox and the Mask


Evan Pott


Download Project Video (.mp4) (389.1 MB)

Download Paper (.pdf) (118 KB)

Download Presentation (.pdf) (334 KB)

Download Audio Tracks (.zip) (318.4 MB)

Download 3D Assets (.zip) (1.0 MB)

Download Game and Audio Files (.zip) (386.2 MB)

Download Max Patch (.zip) (932.8 MB)

Download Live Set Files (.zip) (1313.2 MB)


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Trip_Seat is an electronic music persona. The goal of this project is to develop and explore what it means to create interactive music experiences. These experiences will be manifested in the form of a dynamic A/V performance, and an interactive video game rich with lore. Taking inspiration from such artists as Damon Albarn and his Gorillaz project, Trip_Seat is intended to be a unique character with a fantastical origin story of betrayal, rage, and vengeance.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one project video (.mp4), one paper (.pdf), one presentation (.pdf), audio tracks (one ZIP file containing seven .wav audio files), 3D assets (one ZIP file containing eight .jitmtl files, eight .obj files, three .dae files), game and audio files (one ZIP file continaing one application (Unity Player version 5.6.1f1) and seven .wav audio files), max patch (one ZIP file containing 21 .mp4 files and one .maxpat file), live set files (one ZIP file containing one .als document, one .cfg file, 138 .aiff audio files, 51 .wav audio files, 226 .asd fles).

Trip Seat: The Fox and the Mask
