“Environments”: Live audiovisual performance
The evolution of concerts throughout the years has enticed the inclusion of technological elements to enhance the musicians’ performance onstage and the audience’s experience. This inclusion has evolved into practical results achieved by using modern tools that bring about numerous possibilities. The addition of visuals in live shows has been a logical path in this audiovisual generation and it’s becoming even more recurrent in preset-day acts. The main focus of this project is to create an audiovisual performance that generates visuals reactant to the music being played in real time. This approach opposes a typical modus operandi of prerecorded videos, which are sequenced to play at specific points throughout a more conventional (but not limited) concert setting. The music is broken down and arranged into sequences that are triggered to recreate and remix original electronic music tracks while visuals are generated and manipulated by audio and MIDI. Through improvisation, spectators are able to appreciate the relation of the music with the imagery.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video (.mp4), one report (.pdf), one presentation (.pdf), one perfomance video (.mp4), additional project files (ZIP File containing .cfg files, .maxpat files, .als files, .asd files, .aiff files, .wav audio files).
Recommended Citation
Díaz González, Luis Fernando. ““Environments”: Live audiovisual performance.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2017. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/88.