Bleed of VideoGame FPS Techniques and Sound Design Elements into Contemporary Scores- Case Study: Gravity (2013)

Bleed of VideoGame FPS Techniques and Sound Design Elements into Contemporary Scores- Case Study: Gravity (2013)



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We will explore the approach of Sound and Music in Gravity, how it has borrowed elements from the FPS VideoGame world, and how the Sound Design is deeply woven into the film, critically boosting the impact of the story. It is no coincidence that Gravity’s Music Composer Steven Price, specialized in Sound Design work before diving deep into Music Composition for Film, and it is perhaps this, what sets Gravity aside; regarding Music as Sound, and taking that notion to the nth power.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Bleed of VideoGame FPS Techniques and Sound Design Elements into Contemporary Scores- Case Study: Gravity (2013)
