Alma Negra: The resurgence of a history and culture erased

Alma Negra: The resurgence of a history and culture erased


Raquel Sànchez



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This project has helped me to make an investigation about some historical facts that have been erased in which we talk about the origin of flamenco, its influences and with this the birth of a new style, Afro-Flamenco. It has helped me to develop my skills to the front and management of a large project, which needed a lot of pre-production. It also has to be able to meet many people who have collaborated in this project and without those people it would not have been possible. To be able to develop my skills as a composer and orchestrator and find my own way and style, also know what I want to do in the future and know who I am. Finally to be able to have the opportunity to record with the orchestra of Air Studios in London and face to conduct the work in front of some wonderful musicians. a very enriching experience, which I will not forget.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Afro-Flamenco; historic; opportunity; collaborations; composition

Alma Negra: The resurgence of a history and culture erased
