那时候很单纯的: A Sonic Mosaic of Simpler Times

那时候很单纯的: A Sonic Mosaic of Simpler Times


Helen Hong



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Growing up, my ideas of love were often in duel. Although I spent the majority of my upbringing in China, I consumed mostly Western media and culture, through which many role models of love quickly took root. American films, books, friends, and social environments together shaped my ideas of emotional expressiveness. From them, I observed majority Western romantic values of intensity, passion, drama. And for a while, this was cultivated in many of my own experiences as well. Recently, however, as I make space for myself to dig deeper into my own inner fulfillment, I have found myself leaning further and further into my parents’ version of love. From their more traditionally Chinese values of love and emotion, I’ve observed simplicity, harmony and trust— hues of blue, rather than red. This piece,《那时候很单纯的》 a sonic mosaic of simpler times, is one that, to me, feels timeless, personal, and makes me smile. My parents have been married for 31 years now, and I hope this piece will put a smile on their faces, too.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

那时候很单纯的: A Sonic Mosaic of Simpler Times
