The Dog and the Dragon
The Culminating Experience (CE) is the final project for students enrolled in the Berklee Valencia Master of Music in Scoring for Film, Television, and Video Games. Students select a piece of audiovisual material or a script, and compose a musical cue of no more than 3 minutes, which they must then mock up, orchestrate, and provide completed, professional sheet music for. At the end of the process, students travel to London to record their cues in the world-famous AIR Studios Lyndhurst. The CE is less focused on the “getting it done” project-based aspect of the recording, and more focused on the experiential learning process it causes students to go through. This learning experience is invaluable as an opportunity to synthesize and apply the numerous skills learned over the course of the year-long master’s degree program. I found the experience to be enlightening, motivating, and extremely valuable. By pushing me well outside my comfort zone, the CE induced substantial personal and professional growth, and motivated me to begin setting goals that will eventually lead to similar recording experiences in the future.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Hanna, Jacob. “The Dog and the Dragon.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2022. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-scoring/199.