Man Against Dream

Man Against Dream



Man Against Dream is the score to a script, but it is also a deep exploration into the bridge between music and the written word, and my attempt to tell a story – or a portion of a story, more accurately – through music alone. I chose this project for my Culminating Experience because I wanted to explore the essence of storytelling and the language of music, and because I wanted to challenge myself to score to something more ethereal than picture: words. My approach was to use a combination of literal scoring, in chronological order and following a timecode, and a more conceptual, less linear approach, centered around creating specific moods and developing themes. I worked hard to find a balance between extremes, and my hope is that I have succeeded in creating a final product that is capable not only of telling a story but also of standing alone as simply a piece of music.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Man Against Dream
