
Max Fink


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After having had the irreplaceable opportunity to record a 3-minute cue at AIR Studios Lyndhurst, my eyes and ears have been launched deeper into the world of scoring music to visual media. Reflecting upon the experience has truly brought my musical education to a culminating point, and my perspective on the industry has been forever altered by this life-changing experience. The first step in my journey to completing this recording project was to channel my influences. Landing on the career and music of John Williams was inevitable for me, so my next move was to decide a particular soundtrack of his that sparked my imagination the most. Mr. Williams’ cues to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone hold a special place in my heart, so I was moved to create an original piece of music in that light, as well as to create an original fantasy short story and video for the music to be scored to. With my inspiration and materials locked in, my next step on the path to AIR Studios was to compose the music itself. Once the music was finished, I found that my influences were shown on my sleeve, and that an analysis of my cue would be able to relate to Mr. Williams’ extensive catalogue. When it came time to record the music in London, I was as ready as my life depended on it. My inspirations were on my mind throughout the entire recording process, and I felt overjoyed and honored to have stood on that special podium in that beautiful studio. Afterwards, I was tasked with mixing and mastering the score, and I found that to be quite a rewarding process in consideration of my prior experiences. My story and vision of how this music came together is one that I will never forget, and my devotion to film music composition will be forever inspired by this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


composition, creative project, film music, orchestration, studio recording.

Jordan Equim and the Golden Relic (The Magic of Inspiration in Film Music)
