Above the Mountains - Composition for Full Orchestra

Above the Mountains - Composition for Full Orchestra


Fabian Kratzer


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This project describes the compositional process, the recording and the postproduction of a recording session at AIR Studios London. I looked for an appropriate video for a long time and finally decided to use a landscape- time-lapse movie about Bavaria, a region in the south of Germany, produced by David Palmen and Merit Golka. I composed the music for it and decided to use a strong melody, which I introduced in the high strings and later continued through the whole orchestra. After that, I created the score in Sibelius and printed and taped the parts on my own. During the recording at AIR, I conducted the orchestra. Here I experienced first-hand the difficulties of headphones and the communication with the orchestra. There was also a video recording of the performance. After the session, selected musicians gave feedback and I learned, that some parts of my score were too small to read and that the conducting is confusing for the players, if the conductor does not follow the click track. I learnt a lot about a professional recording with so many players and realised, that a good preparation decides about success or failure.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


film scoring; orchestral recording; London

Above the Mountains - Composition for Full Orchestra
