About This Journal
HAYDN: The Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America is dedicated to the dissemination of all areas and methodologies of research and performance considerations regarding the music, culture, life and times of Joseph Haydn and his circle. The first issue of HAYDN: Online Journal appeared in the fall of 2011, published by the RIT Press. The Haydn Society of North America (HSNA) sought to create an instrument for the dissemination of the latest research on the life and music of Joseph Haydn, and other composers, musicians, artists, and historical figures in his circle, taking advantage of emerging interactive online technologies to present ideas in compelling and clarifying ways plain text could not accomplish on its own. Its innovative interactive platform gained national recognition when the Association of American Publishers honored HAYDN: Online Journal and the RIT Press with its PROSE award for Innovation in Journal Publishing: Humanities and Social Sciences in 2018. In 2021 HAYDN: Online Journal was moved from subscription access to open-access availability, published by the Berklee Research Media and Information Exchange (REMIX). It continues to offer scholars, students, teachers, and music connoisseurs the latest scholarship on a wide variety of Haydn-related topics, as well as useful research tools, that will lead to a fuller understanding of Haydn, his music, and his times.SUPPORTING the HAYDN SOCIETY of NORTH AMERICA: This online journal is generated and supported by the Berklee College of Music and the Haydn Society of North America (HSNA) and is offered as a open-access resource, free of charge. HSNA relies upon membership and donations for its continued activities generating and disseminating research in the life and music of Joseph Haydn and his contemporaries, and the performance of Haydn's music. Please consider becoming a member of HSNA, and/or making a donation to the HSNA to help us continue this important work. You may do so at our website: haydnsocietyna.org. The website can also be access by clicking the Haydn Society logo to the left. Thank you for your support!