HAYDN: Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America


Jerald C. Graue

Document Type



Jerald C. Graue's English translation of Jens Peter Larson's 1963 essay "Sonatenform-Probleme" was published as "Sonata Form Problems" in Larsen's (trans. Ulrich Krämer) Haydn, Handel, and the Viennese Classical Style (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988; 269-80), but without acknowledgment of Prof. Graue as translator. We are honoring the 50th anniversary of the publication of Prof. Larsen's essay, and the 25th anniversary of the publication of its translation, by publishing the following transcription of Prof. Graue's own typed document of the translation, which includes hand-written corrections and addenda. Editorial changes in this transcription are limited to: the division of the article into sections in order to accommodate online readability, the removal of items crossed out by Prof. Graue, some changes in text formatting to follow current usage (e.g. original underlining of titles and foreign terms changed to italics), and completion of journal titles in endnote references when shorthand had been used. A pdf of Prof. Graue's original can be viewed here, and a letter from Prof. Graue to Prof. Larsen regarding the content of the translation and other matters, dated 6 April 1976, can be viewed here. We thank Prof. Marie Rolf for providing these documents to us from Prof. Graue's personal papers.
