"Trimodular Block Strategies in Haydn's Sonata Movements" by Samantha M. Inman
HAYDN: Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America

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This study combines concepts from Hepokoski and Darcy, and Caplin, to examine Haydn’s approaches to the trimodular block (TMB). The first part of the article proposes three categories of TMBs based on which modules of a given TMB lie within S and the stability of the opening of TM3. Subsequent parts use these three categories to identify patterns in Haydn’s instrumental movements containing TMBs. Data regarding the fundamental features of forty-one movements are combined with in-depth analyses of three representative movements, one for each TMB category. While some traits remain consistent across all three categories, other traits typical of a single category in Haydn’s output correlate with specific recapitulatory strategies.
