An Investigation Into the Efficacy of a Music-based Men’s Group for Improving Psychological Wellbeing


Music Therapy Perspectives




The purpose of this investigation was to examine the efficacy of a music-based psychological intervention for improving psychological wellbeing of men. Male participants (N = 31) completed the Outcome Rating Scales (ORS), measuring psychological wellbeing at Sessions 1, 6, and 12 of the music group based intervention. Measures of importance of music, perceived musical ability, and likelihood of engaging in a mainstream psychological therapy were recorded. Results demonstrated significant improvements in ORS wellbeing scores over the duration of the intervention. None of the between measures significantly effected ORS scores. Almost 42% of the sample identified themselves as unlikely to attend a mainstream psychological intervention. Results suggest that a men’s music group based intervention is an effective intervention for improving psychological wellbeing and that the participants do not need to have a high interest in music nor require musical ability to experience benefits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved)

Music and Health Institute Terms

Gender Disparities; Mental Health; Music Therapy; Wellness and Well-Being

Indexed Terms

music-based men’s group; psychological wellbeing; musical ability; male participants; Human Males; Treatment Effectiveness Evaluation; Well Being; Intervention

Study Type

Quasi-Experimental Study; Quantitative Methods

Document Type

