The Effect of Live Music on Decreasing Anxiety in Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment


Journal of Music Therapy




The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of familiar live music on the anxiety levels of patients undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Randomly selected patients were assigned to experimental (n = 25) and control (n = 25) conditions. Pre and posttests consisted of questionnaires and the recording of the patient's heart rate and blood pressures. Subjects in the experimental group received 20 minutes of familiar live music during their chemotherapy treatment. Subjects in the control group received standard chemotherapy. It was assumed that those patients receiving music intervention would: (a) lower their anxiety levels; (b) experience a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure; (c) improve their levels of negative reactions including fatigue, worry, and fear; and (d) improve their levels of positive reactions including comfort and relaxation. Results of the study showed statistically significant improvement for the experimental group on the measures of anxiety, fear, fatigue, relaxation, and diastolic blood pressure. No significant differences between groups were found for heart rate and systolic blood pressure. Descriptive values indicated that, on average, the experimental group was influenced positively by the music intervention, and participants improved their quality of life while undergoing chemotherapy treatment. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]

Music and Health Institute Terms

Anxiety; Blood Pressure; Chemotherapy; Fatigue; Fear; Heart Rate; Invasive Medical Procedures; Live Music Listening; Music Listening; Music Therapy; Psychological Outcomes; Questionnaires; Receptive Music Methods; Relaxation; Vital Signs

Indexed Terms

Antineoplastic Agents; Studies; Chemotherapy; Cancer; Radiation therapy; Quality of life; Psychology; Medical procedures; Intervention; Hair loss; Effectiveness; Blood pressure; Fear; Fatigue; Antineoplastic Agents; Questionnaires; Stress; Anxiety; Fatigue; Relaxation Therapy; Stress; Neoplasms; Anxiety; Neoplasms

Study Type

Randomized Controlled; Trial; Quantitative Methods

PubMed ID

223557371; 17645387

Document Type

