Psychiatric Patients' Perception of Music Therapy and Other Psychoeducational Programming
Journal of Music Therapy
The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate psychiatric patients' perception of their psychoeducational programming. Participants (N = 73) completed a survey rating on each class/therapy in which they were enrolled and its helpfulness. Participants answered questions concerning which class/therapy addressed specific psychiatric deficit areas most effectively. Results indicated that participants rated music therapy as significantly more helpful than all other programming (p < .05). Further analyses indicated that participants admitted to a psychiatric institution only once rated their classes as more helpful when compared to participants who had been admitted multiple times. Additionally, participants who were minorities rated programming as more helpful than participants who were Caucasian. Participants consistently rated music therapy as more effective than other programming in addressing specific psychiatric deficit areas. Additionally, 57% of participants noted that music therapy was their favorite class/therapy. Reasons for these discrepancies are discussed and suggestions for future research are made.
Music and Health Institute Terms
Mental Health; Mental Health Setting; Music Therapy
Indexed Terms
Hospitals; Mental depression; Medical treatment; Education; Intervention; Health services; Psychiatry; Perceptions; Psychotherapy, Group; Southwestern United States; Mental Disorders; Questionnaires; Psychiatric Department, Hospital; Cognitive Therapy; Inpatients; Mental Disorders; Patient Satisfaction
Study Type
Descriptive Analysis; Quantitative Methods
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Silverman, M. J. (2006). Psychiatric Patients' Perception of Music Therapy and Other Psychoeducational Programming. Journal of Music Therapy, 43 (2), 111-22. Retrieved from