Application of the Helping Model on Music Therapy Practice for Individuals With Alcoholic Use Disorder: Theoretical Orientation and Empirical Implication


Hayoung A. Lim


Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy




Research in the field of music therapy and substance-related disorders is growing and diverse within the intended treatment areas and interventions. Evidences of music therapy on this population have been focused on the effects of particular music therapy technique(s) or generalised responses from participants without establishing any theoretical treatment model. The application of music therapy within a solid treatment model based on thorough theoretical orientation is essential to any recovery or rehabilitation programme. This paper establishes the theoretical and empirical implications of music therapy based on Gerard Egan’s Helping Model (2013) in treating patients with substance-related disorders, in particular alcohol use disorder (AUD). Egan suggested three principle goals of helping: (1) life-enhancing outcomes; (2) learning self-help; and (3) prevention mentality. This paper will explore whether the therapeutic goals in Egan’s Helping Model can be addressed and established at the forefront of a music therapy treatment model for individuals with AUD and introduces empirical music therapy interventions with a case study based on the Helping Model.

Music and Health Institute Terms

Alcohol Use, Abuse and Addiction; Anxiety; Anxiety Scales; Composition; Depression; Emotional Functioning; Likert Scale; Music Therapy; Quality of Life; Receptive Music Methods; Self-Efficacy; Self-Report Measures; Song Lyric Discussion; Songwriting; Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction; Symptom Management

Indexed Terms

Alcohol use; Music education; Substance abuse treatment; Studies

Study Type

Case Study; Qualitative Methods

Document Type

