The Effect of Lyric Analysis on Treatment Eagerness and Working Alliance in Consumers Who Are in Detoxification: A Randomized Clinical Effectiveness Study


Music Therapy Perspectives




A study is presented that evaluated the effects of a single music therapy session on clients who are in detoxification using psychometric instruments measuring readiness to change and working alliance during a randomized and controlled clinical trial. Participants took part in a scripted and manualized intervention facilitated by a Board-Certified Music Therapist. The experimental group participated in group lyrical analysis intervention, focusing on relapse prevention, while the control group participated in a group verbal therapy session also focusing on relapse prevention. There was a significant difference between groups in measures of therapist perceived working alliance, with the experimental group having higher mean scores.

Music and Health Institute Terms

Mental Health; Music Therapy; Receptive Music Methods; Relapse Prevention; Self-Report Measures; Song Lyric Discussion; Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction; Wellness and Well-Being

Indexed Terms

Drug abuse; Comparative Analysis

Study Type

Quantitative Methods; Randomized Controlled Trial

Document Type

