Music therapy, neural processing, and craving reduction: an RCT protocol for a mixed methods feasibility study in a Community Substance Misuse Treatment Service


Addiction Science & Clinical Practice




Music therapy has been shown to be effective for multiple clinical endpoints associated with substance use disorder such as craving reduction, emotion regulation, depression, and anxiety, but there are a lack of studies investigating those effects in UK Community Substance Misuse Treatment Services (CSMTSs). Furthermore, there is a demand for identifying music therapy mechanisms of change and related brain processes for substance use disorder treatment. The present study aims to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of music therapy and a pre-test, post-test, and in-session measurement battery in a CSMTS.

Music and Health Institute Terms

Substance Use, Abuse and Addiction; Coping; Relapse Prevention; Physiological Measures; Subjective Measures; Community Center; Music Therapy; Composition; Songwriting; Improvisation; Instrumental Improvisation; Music Listenining; Music in Combination with Other Techniques

Indexed Terms

Substance use disorder; Mental health; Community treatment service; EEG; Feasibility; Mixed methods; Neural processing; Randomized controlled trial

Study Type

Randomized Controlled Trial; Quantitative Methods

Document Type

