The Effect of Physical Therapy With Use of Musical Elements in Patients With Parkinson's Disease
Georgian Medical News
Aim of the study - to assess the impact of physical therapy using musical elements, for Parkinson disease diagnosed people static and dynamic body balance thus psychological state. Research subjects were Parkinson disease diagnosed elderly people. Age 67-80 (67.5±12.5) years old, 9 men and 9 women, n=18. Research tools: Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) (Wrisley D., et al., 2003); Romberg's test - RT (Khasnis A, Gokula R.M, 2003); Burns Depression Checklist - BDC (Burns D., 2013). Microsoft Excel 2016, statistical significance level was set at p<0.05. BDC summarizing the research results, patients with PD tended to have less depression after the physical therapy with music elements sessions appliance. In terms of the DGI percentage decreased from 77.8% to 72.2% after physical therapy sessions. The evaluation of patients by RT, showed the positive results, compared in the beginning more than > 50 % of patients needed help or they could not complete the task. After classes - the percentage decreased. Patients static balance improved statistically significant.
Music and Health Institute Terms
Depression; Elderly; Emotional Functioning; Gait; Long-Term Care Facility; Mobility; Music in Combination with Other Techniques; Music Medicine; Neurodegenerative Disorders; Parkinson's Disease; Physical Therapy; Subjective Measures
Indexed Terms
Physical Therapy Modalities; Elderly; Elderly; Gait; Parkinson Disease; Postural Balance
Study Type
Quasi-Experimental Study; Quantitative Methods
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Andrejeva, J., Kasradze, M., Misiukeviciute, L., & Radziuviene, R. (2019). The Effect of Physical Therapy With Use of Musical Elements in Patients With Parkinson's Disease. Georgian Medical News (291), 82-85. Retrieved from