Development of Regulative Music Therapy Guidelines for Early to Mid-stage Parkinson's Disease


Australian Journal of Music Therapy




Regulative Music Therapy is a receptive music therapy method based on the principles of mindfulness, but little is known about its potential as a therapy for treating people with PD. This paper proposes a flexible Regulative Music Therapy guideline for further investigation, adaptation and possible pilot testing by music therapists in the treatment of people with PD. Information from an expert interview was analysed using qualitative content analysis and compared with evidence from the literature on mindfulness as a treatment mode for PD. Key components of this guideline include enabling independent flexible Regulative Music Therapy in the home and facilitating conditions under which participants feel safe, secure and supported in all aspects of the therapy. Like other chronic degenerative conditions, PD will place increasing demands on healthcare resources as populations age; people are living longer but not always in good health (World Health Organization, 2015). Patients with borderline disorders showed significant follow-up improvement in alexithymia after group music therapy and significant improvements in other psychological symptoms following individual music therapy (Wosch & Röhrborn, 2009). Röhrborn, Schwabe and Unger state that the primary indication for Regulative Music Therapy may be syndrome specific and include anxiety disorders and autonomic nervous system disturbances that are common in people with PD (Schwabe et al., 1987).

Music and Health Institute Terms

Music Therapy; Neurodegenerative Disorders; Parkinson's Disease; Subjective Measures; Symptom Management

Indexed Terms

Anxiety disorder; Anxiety disorders; Content analysis; Emotions; Germany; Guideline; Intervention; Mental depression; Mindfulness; Nervous system; Parkinson's disease; Psychotherapy

Study Type

Editorial, Opinions, Position Papers

Document Type

