A Physical Exercise Program Using Music-supported Video-based Training in Older Adults in Nursing Homes Suffering from Dementia: A Feasibility Study

J. Spildooren
I. Speetjens
J. Abrahams
P. Feys
A. Timmermans


BACKGROUND: Motivation towards an exercise program is higher in a small group setting in comparison to individual therapy. Due to attentional problems, group exercises are difficult for people with Alzheimer disease (AD). This study evaluates the feasibility of a music-supported video-based group exercise program in older adults suffering from AD. METHODS: Five participants with moderate AD were recruited from a nursing home. A progressive physical exercise program using a video-based training with musical accompaniment was performed and digitally recorded to investigate the adherence and performed accuracy of the exercises. RESULTS: The overall participation during the exercises was 84.1%. The quality of the performance was for all exercises above the cut-off scores. CONCLUSION: A music-supported video-based group exercise program is feasible in persons with AD. The participants were motivated and the expectations towards the program increased over time. Music seemed an important factor for attention in participants with AD.