Music and Alzheimer's and Related Dementias | Music and Neurodegenerative Disorders | Berklee College of Music


Submissions from 2021


Does Playing a Musical Instrument Reduce the Incidence of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia? a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, S. Walsh, R. Causer, and C. Brayne


The Benefits of Community-based Participatory Arts Activities for People Living With Dementia: A Thematic Scoping Review, M. C. Ward, C. Milligan, E. Rose, M. Elliott, and B. R. Wainwright


A Music Therapy Respite Program for Caregivers of Individuals With Memory Loss, Becky Wellman


Exploring the Use of Music as an Intervention for Older People Living in Nursing Homes, H. Wijk, M. Neziraj, Å Nilsson, and E. J. Ung

Submissions from 2020


Music Evoked Autobiographical Memories in People With Behavioural Variant Frontotemporal Dementia, A. Baird, O. Brancatisano, R. Gelding, and W. F. Thompson


The Impact of Music and Memory on Resident Level Outcomes in California Nursing Homes, D. Bakerjian, K. Bettega, A. M. Cachu, L. Azzis, and S. Taylor


The Effectiveness of Non‐pharmacological Interventions on Apathy in Patients With Dementia: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews, Yan Cai, Liyu Li, Chang Xu, and Zhiwen Wang


The Effectiveness of Non-pharmacological Interventions on Apathy in Patients With Dementia: A Systematic Review of Systematic Reviews, Y. Cai, L. Li, C. Xu, and Z. Wang


Is Music-with-movement Intervention Better Than Music Listening and Social Activities in Alleviating Agitation of People With Moderate Dementia? a Randomized Controlled Trial, D. S. K. Cheung, C. K. Y. Lai, F. K. Y. Wong, and M. C. P. Leung


Using Music to Develop a Multisensory Communicative Environment for People With Late-stage Dementia, A. Clare, P. M. Camic, S. J. Crutch, J. West, E. Harding, and E. Brotherhood


Music & Memory and Improved Swallowing in Advanced Dementia, D. Cohen, S. G. Post, A. Lo, R. Lombardo, and B. Pfeffer


New Long-term Encoding in Severely Amnesic Alzheimer's Disease Patients Revealed Through Repeated Exposure to Artistic Items, R. Coppalle, C. Mauger, S. Quernet, A. Dewald, O. Letortu, B. Desgranges, M. Groussard, and H. Platel


Towards Sustainable Implementation of Music in Daily Care of People With Dementia and Their Spouses, Ayelet Dassa, Michal Rosenbach, and Avi Gilboa


Non-pharmacological Interventions for the Anxiety in Patients With Dementia. a Cross-over Randomised Controlled Trial, T. D. Dimitriou, E. Verykouki, J. Papatriantafyllou, A. Konsta, D. Kazis, and M. Tsolaki


Music Lessons: Exploring the Role and Meaning of Music for Older Adults With Dementia, M. Elliott, P. Gardner, M. Narushima, and L. McCleary


Haven: Sharing Receptive Music Listening to Foster Connections and Wellbeing for People With Dementia Who Are Nearing the End of Life, and Those Who Care for Them, C. E. Garabedian and F. Kelly


Dementia: When Music Is the Only Way In—An Emergency Intervention: Innovative Practice, Claire E. Garabedian


The Influence of Songwriting on Quality of Life of Family Caregivers of People With Dementia: An Exploratory Study, Esther García-Valverde, Marta Badia, Mª Begoña Orgaz, and Elena Gónzalez-Ingelmo


Music Playlists for People With Dementia: Trialing a Guide for Caregivers, S. Garrido, L. Dunne, C. J. Stevens, and E. Chang


Does a Live Performance Impact Synchronization to Musical Rhythm in Cognitively Impaired Elderly?, M. Ghilain, L. Hobeika, M. Lesaffre, L. Schiaratura, A. Singh, J. Six, D. Huvent-Grelle, F. Puisieux, and S. Samson


Creating Pathways: Why What You Teach Today Will Matter Far Into the Future, Bronwyn Hendy


The Perspectives of Professional Caregivers on Implementing Audio-based Technology in Residential Dementia Care, M. Houben, R. Brankaert, G. Kenning, B. Eggen, and I. Bongers


Bedtime Music for Sleep Problems in Older Adults With Dementia: A Feasibility Study, Kira Vibe Jespersen, Jens Madsen, and Peter Vuust


Findings from a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of an Individualized Music Listening Program for Persons With Dementia, J. Kwak, K. Anderson, and K. O'Connell Valuch


Lincoln Center Moments: Integrating Accessibility and Enhancement Through Expanding Performing Arts Experiences, J. Loewy, A. Torossian, M. Appelbaum, A. Fleming, and C. Tomaino