Riding Solo: From a Dependent Cover Artist to a Solo Original Act
The purpose of my project is to find my artist identity and as someone who doesn’t play an instrument, to find a way to become independent. This involved finding my voice, song- writing process and workflow, a way to play an instrument and also develop a voice in electronic music. The first process was establishing a routine and logging my practise sessions. I explored different approaches to song-writing and retrospectively established a flowchart for the different processes I had. I wrote 7-8 songs, arranged (collaboratively as well as by myself) and recorded 6 of these in the studios. The second part of the project was learning the Software – Ableton Live and also practising so as to perform live with it. I performed the songs I wrote as a mixed set – half acoustic with a band and half solo with Ableton Live. Through the processes I understood my own sound and created an EP that can be published at later date.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Independence project; solo vocalist; song-writing process; technology and vocalists
Recommended Citation
Lakshmanan, Anisha. “Riding Solo: From a Dependent Cover Artist to a Solo Original Act.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2018. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-contemporary-performance/104.

Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), chord charts (ZIP file containing 5 .pdf documents).