Beyond the Mediterranean: Influences of South-European and Middle-Eastern Music in the Contemporary Jazz Composition

Beyond the Mediterranean: Influences of South-European and Middle-Eastern Music in the Contemporary Jazz Composition


Dario Piccioni


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This is an analysis of the creative process behind the composition of a contemporary/jazz/mediterranean album. Upright bass can also be considered as an ethnic instrument such as a turkish oud or a cretan lyre? The answer is mainly in my music, but in these writings you can find a conceptual contribution at his primary stage which represents the starting point for my future artistic research in the mediterranean and modal music studies, about new musical vocabularies and techniques applied to the double bass in order to bring it at next level.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


jazz; world; fusion; mediterranean; uprigtbass; composition; modal music; artistic research; mediterranean bass; method; acoustic


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio file (.wav), videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), chord charts (ZIP file containing 6 .pdf documents).

Beyond the Mediterranean: Influences of South-European and Middle-Eastern Music in the Contemporary Jazz Composition
