Contemporary today, Heritage tomorrow: A Learning Approach to Contemporary Middle Eastern & Arabic Music

Contemporary today, Heritage tomorrow: A Learning Approach to Contemporary Middle Eastern & Arabic Music


Mohannad Nasser


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Exploring world music has always been my motivation and my source of inspiration as a performer and as a composer. Making traditional music become contemporary again is one of my main goals as a musician, therefore, this direction in music makes me ask myself about the relationship between tradition and the present: how could we reuse, recreate and re-produce the traditional elements of music in a contemporary context? And what role do I play in this recontextualization? The main purpose of this project is to compose an educational strategy to share the Arabic music with students, musicians, performers, and composers from different backgrounds. I hope to shine a new light on the richness of traditional Arabic music, so that musicians can borrow those traditional musical elements and reuse them in a contemporary context while composing, improvising and building a repertoire.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Arabic music; educational project; tradition and contemporary


Project Components: paper (.pdf), portfolio (.pdf).

Contemporary today, Heritage tomorrow: A Learning Approach to Contemporary Middle Eastern & Arabic Music
