Melting the Two Americas: Artist Identity

Melting the Two Americas: Artist Identity


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This project is based on a compositional process where I am developing my identity as an artist through the fusion between Latin, Soul and Funk music. “Melting the Two Americas” talks about who I am as a person, what are my influences, why I chose that musical fusion and which are the steps that I followed to mix those styles in my original songs. I have 4 original compositions two of them are in their pure style: Salsa and the other one is a Blues, and the other two compositions have already the fusion: Soul and Son Cubano and the other is a Latin-Funk song. I expanded my knowledge of the production side, helping the engineer through the process of recording, editing, comping and mixing. This project is the result of a continuous effort, hard work and passion to music, shown in my music and in my way of expression.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Latin; Soul; Funk styles; musical fusion; composition process


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), video (.mp4), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).

Melting the Two Americas: Artist Identity
