“Oro Oro” Modern Music, Indigenous Rhythms

“Oro Oro” Modern Music, Indigenous Rhythms


Josh Wallace


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This project introduces the instruments, rhythms, and beats of Tahitian drumming into various contemporary styles. This was done by a number of steps. Studying Tahitian drumming, its history, instrumentation, and various arrangements and songs was the first thing I needed. I then needed a basic understanding of certain genres and their history as well. In this project I focused on three distinct genres: Reggae, Son Cubano, and Hip Hop. I wrote an original composition for each genre and incorporated Tahitian percussions and rhythms in each. Lastly, I transcribed a song and made a percussion set-up designed to play the transcription as well as basic rhythms associated with each genre including Tahitian percussion and rhythms. It is the hope of this project to introduce this powerful percussion style a sure place in the music industry today. Words like Tōʻere, Faʻatete, and Pahu Tupai should be known and used just like other instruments from around the world.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Tahitian Music; Polynesia; Percussion; Creative Project; Reggae; Hip Hop; Son Cubano


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), music video (.mp4), scores (ZIP file containing 2 .pdf documents).

“Oro Oro” Modern Music, Indigenous Rhythms
