"Launching a Music Career by Hand" by Nan Macmillan
Launching a Music Career by Hand

Launching a Music Career by Hand


Nan Macmillan


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This culminating experience focuses on developing my artistic identity through the process of generating original material. The final project consists of five recorded songs, two music videos and a professional website. I supported the creation of this content with a series of interviews with Folk Singer- Songwriters and one producer, as well as by establishing a daily routine of free writing and practicing guitar and voice. Throughout the process, I solidified my artistic identity, which consists of four main components: I am a Folk and Americana songwriter, an instrumentalist, a producer and have an authentic and organic approach to my artistry. A challenge for me was leaving enough time for rehearsals and pre- production before going into the studio. Ultimately, I learned a great deal about the recording process, my songwriting techniques and habits, the significance of practicing and writing daily, and how crucial it is to communicate and collaborate with other artists in a respectful manner. The material from this culminating experience will be used to promote myself online and to share my artistry with other musicians and audiences.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


folk; Americana; songwriting; artist identity; production; video; creative project


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), music videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 6 .pdf documents).

Launching a Music Career by Hand
