"Bonding the Artistry of Performance and Pedagogy" by Zhujun Ma
Bonding the Artistry of Performance and Pedagogy

Bonding the Artistry of Performance and Pedagogy


Zhujun Ma


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The purpose of my project is to build my artist identity as both an artist/vocalist and a vocal educator. I worked on my vocal technique, my melodic writing, and the promotional skill to market myself. I first worked on several vocal techniques I wanted to improved in my vocal lesson. Then I went into the studio and record my vocal for more close listening and worked on details in my voice afterwards. Based on my own learning process, I wrote my teaching philosophy. For Melodic writing, I wrote 3 songs progressively. I took what I learned from the previous song and used in the next one, while discovering new things to learn. For the promotional skill, I put together a Chinese New Year Carnival including performance, games and food. I was liaising with venues and sponsors, marketed the event online and offline, as well as put the band together. Besides event promoting, I also made online portfolio (ie. streaming, artist blog) to promote myself as an artist and vocal educator. The project helped me find a clear direction of my future career and got me more work in my portfolio.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Vocal education and melodic writing


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), music video (.mp4), chord charts (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents).

Bonding the Artistry of Performance and Pedagogy
