From Classical to Contemporary Violin: Intro to Improvisation

From Classical to Contemporary Violin: Intro to Improvisation


Yeji Yoon


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The purpose of my CE was to write a textbook introducing improvisation to classically trained string players with contemporary music. Back in Korea, I went through a hard time because there is no material written in Korean that explains how to improvise on strings. Also, since I started improvisation, I have been faced many specific issues due to by my classical music background. This project was based on my own learning and teaching experiences and research. Overall this project, I tried to make a balance to combine the characteristics of Koreans and classically trained players. I took the weakness of Koreans and classical string players and applied it to suggest efficient training methods. Throughout the year, I was able to organize my teaching method with my educational philosophy and also find new training methods that work very well for string players. I strongly believe this. project eventually will be very helpful to classically trained Koreans who want to learn contemporary music and improvisation.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


classical music training; violin; Korean string players; training methods; contemporary music


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 18 .wav files), textbook (ZIP file containing 2 .pdf documents).

From Classical to Contemporary Violin: Intro to Improvisation
