Creating A Modern Musician

Creating A Modern Musician


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The purpose of this project is to incorporate the aspects of different facets of musicians into my own musicality. To create in my perception a modern musician. Musicality in today’s world isn’t only being proficient on your instrument, but being versatile. To be able to perform, compose, produce, record only enhances your musicality as a whole. In this project, I have analyzed and researched the styles of three different aspects of performance, composition, and production in three different artists. To see what they did and find concrete ways of incorporating them. I hope this project can be useful to any musician that is looking to expand their understanding.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Research and Analysis; Transcription; Composition


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), chord charts (ZIP file containing 3 . pdf documents).

Creating A Modern Musician
