Aliya & the New Andalus

Aliya & the New Andalus


Aliya Cycon



The purpose of my project was to create a band and a collection of compositions to serve as a vehicle for accomplishing my musical career goals. The challenge for composing the four original pieces was to successfully and authentically fuse Arabic, Flamenco, Sefardic and North African musical styles, thereby emulating and modernizing the sounds of al-Andalus (Muslim Iberia in the Medieval ages). The project features me playing the Arabic Oud as well as singing in Arabic, Spanish, Ladino and English to represent the languages spoken in this period, as well as my own language. The outcome of the project was a professionally recorded audio track and music video for each of the four songs, and a concrete dissemination plan for the music, including a PDF sheet with info about the band to submit to music festivals, artistic photos and a band logo. The band is called Aliya and the New Andalus and the compositions are entitled “Come to Me,” “Monte de Sinai,” “My Name” and “La Convivencia.”

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Oud; al-Andalus; composition; fusion; Arabic music; Flamenco; singer


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), videos (ZIP file containing 4 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).

Aliya & the New Andalus
