Sound Sensation: A Multisensorial Expansion of the Aural Experience

Sound Sensation: A Multisensorial Expansion of the Aural Experience


Luca Bordonaro



Sound Sensation is the concept created by Luca Bordonaro in which the musician, after crafting the musical work, expand the aural experience by conveying the same message with different stimuli directed to all the other senses, and not necessarily connected among them. This concept takes place in the deliverable Il Fanciullino (The Little Child): a conceptual art, multisensorial exposition where the audience is introduced to four different "emotional environments" related to the artist’s inner child. Each of these environments is represented by an immersive experience that gives the audience the possibility to look within and try to connect with their inner child. At the end of the exposition the spectator will have objective elements that can serve as a starting point for an interior research about how they relate to themselves and to the external world. The exposition uses Virtual Reality headset, 360° panned music through headphones, combination of taste, scents and touch stimuli. The four "emotional environments" explored are: Relaxation, Awkwardness, Cheerfulness and Surrealism.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Multisensorial; VR; 360; Emotions; Artistic; Exposition


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.mp4), images (ZIP file containing 4 .jpg files, 2 .pdf documents).

Sound Sensation: A Multisensorial Expansion of the Aural Experience
