Flor de Canela: finding our identity as a band

Flor de Canela: finding our identity as a band



My objective with this CE is show a way to find the identity of a band or an individual artist. I’m using the experience of my band because is where I learned all this and the point from I have examples to show it. I’m electric and upright bass player and I have background in classical, jazz and modern music. I was born in Canary Island and I obtained my degree in jazz and modern music (upright bass specialty) at ESMUC, Barcelona (Spain). I lived there during four years, and one year after finish it, my band Flor de Canela started and with it my learning about find the identity. I’m going to focus in the work that we did in the music with the producer because is the point that we are and because I realized that for me is a strong and important point to start to build the identity.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files).

Flor de Canela: finding our identity as a band
