Loving & Leaving: the Development of an Artist through the Making of an EP

Loving & Leaving: the Development of an Artist through the Making of an EP


Malena Marcase



The purpose of my project is to develop my identity as an artist through the writing and recording of my first EP. Through the songwriting, arranging, recording, and production process, I have begun to hone in on a sound and identity. The outcomes of these processes have provided me with the necessary means to now establish myself as an artist in the music industry. My methodology was self-ethnographic and performative. I conducted research on my own songwriting and musicianship, as well as research on artists who have inspired me and who I would like to emulate. My deliverables include an original four-track EP, a release plan, and an updated portfolio of my music, artist photos, artist bio, website, and social media. From the making of this project, I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge about what it takes to record and produce an original, creative project. Challenges arose in the recording process with ProTools, instrumentation, and artistic vision – to name a few. I know now that this project will be a huge asset to me as I continue to create music, and I hope it will inspire other artists as well in their creative endeavors.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


creative project; release plan; songwriting; artist development; recording; EP


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.mp4), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), lead sheets (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).

Loving & Leaving: the Development of an Artist through the Making of an EP
