Building an Artistic Project: Miel “Adding Sweetness to the Sour in Life”

Building an Artistic Project: Miel “Adding Sweetness to the Sour in Life”


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Download Music Video (.mp4) (469.5 MB)

Download Chord Charts (.zip) (137 KB)


This project aims to develop an artistic vision that is clear in both auditory and visual components. It focuses on developing a brand that through composition, audio production, video production and marketing, shows an individualistic take on the indie-pop genre. It tackles dark lyrical content with a sarcastic tone and dreamy sound design. The project was conducted through auto- ethnographic research where I studied myself and my own artistic and personal characteristics in order to build the musical project. A lot of hands-on trials occurred with the production of the music, allowing me to learn through experimentation and experience. This project delivers three musical singles, a music video and photographic lookbook. The process of working on this cumulative experience project proved to be a trial of individual strength as well as the strength of being in a team. I learned a lot about being an entrepreneur, producer and team leader. This project will contribute an individualistic style of storytelling to the indie-pop genre. The listener can be a part of the story as much as the music is a part of their own story. Through the future dissemination of this project, I can acquire a much larger audience for my concept; where I can explore personal trauma without the gravity of the emotional consequences.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


creative project; indie-pop; songwriting; audio-visual production


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), music video (.mp4), chord charts (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents).

Building an Artistic Project: Miel “Adding Sweetness to the Sour in Life”
