Integration of Music and Visual Art: The Experimental Way of Making a Nu-Jazz EP Through Blending Music, Photography and Modern Dance Video

Integration of Music and Visual Art: The Experimental Way of Making a Nu-Jazz EP Through Blending Music, Photography and Modern Dance Video



The purpose of my project is exploring to establish my artistic identity and generate professional materials to assist me accomplish my musical career goals through composing and self-producing a collection of music compositions in styles of Nu-Jazz and Modern Jazz; meanwhile, integrating visual arts including photography and modern dance in video format with my collaborators. Firstly, I analyzed music, instrumentation, sound, techniques and modalities from my musical influences. Then, I cultivated and improved my techniques and approaches on drums by listening, dissecting and imitating music recordings from many modern jazz drummers through practicing. Meanwhile, I searched and further analyzed music videos and graphics from artists who share similar visions with me of blending visuals to their music for inspiration. Through such a rewarding process, I was able to generate my game plan, execute and create my own compositions and visual contents. The outcomes include an EP consisting of four professionally mastered tracks, four collections of photographs to visualize each composition, respectively, and two recorded music videos featuring modern dance. With the outcome of the project, I envision to inspire musicians and artists to explore and create arts beyond the boundary.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


creative project; EP; self-produce; composition; visual arts; Nu-Jazz; Modern Jazz


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), music videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents), photographic visuals (.pdf).

Integration of Music and Visual Art: The Experimental Way of Making a Nu-Jazz EP Through Blending Music, Photography and Modern Dance Video
