Tres y Mas: A Diverse Exploration of the Tres Cubano

Tres y Mas: A Diverse Exploration of the Tres Cubano


Dariel Peniazek



The following project is an exploration of the instrument known as the “tres cubano”. In this work, I present my efforts to push the boundaries of how to play the instrument far beyond its traditional context both in technique and stylistic approach. Throughout the past year, I have been developing this concept by playing the tres in a variety of different genres and styles of music ranging from Mediterranean jazz to Brazilian music. This paper describes in detail this creative process as well as how I plan to use the concepts I have developed through the project in future professional endeavors. The work is presented utilizing a combination of transcriptions, recordings, and analysis of much of my work from the past year. Through this work, I hope to bring the tres to new audiences, create more professional opportunities for myself, and continue to search for my personal artistic identity.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio file (.wav), performance videos (ZIP file containing 4 .mp4 files).

Tres y Mas: A Diverse Exploration of the Tres Cubano
