GENESIS: a new beginning

GENESIS: a new beginning


Aliyah Qualls



My culminating experience project will be an interdisciplinary work of art that includes music in many forms, enhanced by the use of visuals, dance, and narrative prose. Inspired by the occurrence of astrological and natural phenomena, I will explore the ideas of mental health, self-discovery, healing, and rebirth. Not only will this project be a sonic and visual representation of some of my personal experiences, but it will also serve as the springboard for my new artistic identity - one in which I work in various forms and am not limited to only one form of artistic expression. The project will contain various aspects of research and analysis, development of instrumental and vocal technique, composition, arranging, orchestration, lyricism, recording and production, and dissemination. It is an opportunity for me to continue expanding on the various areas that I am interested in and find ways to continue developing them to their full potential.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP File containing 3 .wav files), video files (ZIP file containing 3 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 8 .pdf documents).

GENESIS: a new beginning
