As Your Mind Allows

As Your Mind Allows


Sage Melcher



‘As your Mind Allows’ is a body of work that includes two projects; an EP with my collaborator in NY and an album that I have self produced at Berklee. The title comes from the idea that our perceptions are only ‘as our minds allow’. Originally my CE was going to just be focusing on my NY EP and using the rest of the time to improve my musicianship, production skills, engineering knowledge and business knowledge. But in April I decided to challenge myself and add a self produced album to my CE since I was learning so much and working with great musicians here at Berklee. I am now in the mix/master phase of the NY EP and am still in the production phase of the Album. I hope to finish the productions by August and then record all the vocals and start mix/mastering come fall. I will be moving back to NY and hope to gather a team to help release this music as well as help with other branding aspects. I will be assisting a producer in many of NYs tops studios, creating visuals for the music and playing shows.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), sheet music (ZIP file containing 12 .pdf documents).

As Your Mind Allows
