The Birth of a Podcast

The Birth of a Podcast



I wanted to focus on something that could engage my community, both as a resource and an audience, and incorporate my sense of humor. After some time and advice from friends, as well as seeing a hole in the Berklee, Valencia marketing, I decided that a great way to achieve my goals could be to start my very own podcast. I devoted my entire year to its production, from all angles, developing a variety of necessary new skills along the way. I loved finding a way to use music and humor to build something that wasn’t only writing funny music. In my presentation and in this paper I explain in detail the process of making my podcast. My Culminating Experience helped me unlock a part of myself that had always been there, but only through this experience has it been able to surface.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Podcast; Humor; Music; Friends


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), podcast epidosdes (ZIP file containing 2 .mp3 files, 1 .wav file), theme song (.wav), score (.pdf).

The Birth of a Podcast
