"True Voice" by Samuel Kelly
True Voice

True Voice


Samuel Kelly



This year has been dedicated to the discovery and cultivation of my true authentic artistic voice through the creation of a three-song EP and the further development of my technical facility on the saxophone. At the core of my identity, I am a saxophonist, so much of this year has been dedicated to further developing my technique and improv abilities on this instrument. I also wanted to develop the skills and systems that enable me to effectively and efficiently produce original music. By analyzing songs from artists I admire, like Lettuce, Bon Iver, The Nth Power, Tom Misch, and Cory Wong, I have gained a further understanding of the musical elements these artists employ within their songs so that I could utilize them within my compositions. By taking advantage of programs like Ableton, Sibelius, and Pro Tools, I developed, recorded, and produced my music efficiently. The most important thing I learned through all of this though was how important it is to work with the right people and develop a team that can help you realize your vision. From co-writers at the beginning of the process to the mix engineer toward the end, each person you let into work on your piece of music leaves a piece of themselves in your art, so making sure they are the right fit has become very important to me.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


EP; Original Music; Music Production; Saxophone; Composition


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), EP (ZIP file containing 2 .wav files, 1 .mp3 file), scores (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents), lyrics (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents).

True Voice
