"Reconciliation" by Victor Goldschmidt




Who am I? What's my purpose in life? These are the questions that have shaped my work through my journey at Berklee. It all started from an interior schism between my artistic and human side. A depression that did not allow me to embrace my artistic visions nor my care for nature and earth. Each side is disputing for all my attention and time. In an effort of reconciliation, I decided to create a multidisciplinary live performance that would join both parts of my whole personality, creating a narrative line that would blend my concerns about the state of the planet with the music that has inspired me. It's a very introspective project requiring a lot of honesty and dedication. Even if I am still at a draft stage of my personal quest, I sense that a little light has turned on in me, giving me the courage to continue through this path. I envision giving depth to scientific and philosophic discourses with my art, trying to narrate inspiring stories and visions. By attending and performing in conferences on wildlife/biodiversity protection, social causes, climate etc.… It would be a way through my art to contribute to a greater cause than my individual development.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), performance video (.mp4).

